Smartphones are The New Cigarettes is a great article on Thrive about how addicted we’re all becoming to smartphones, developing a constant need for information and attention stimulation.

I’ll hold my hand up, smartphone addiction is something I struggle with. Although I could get through a class at the gym without checking my iPhone, I’ve noticed how I look forward to getting off the Underground in London so that I can be “reconnected” with the world. (Where ‘world’ really means internet!)
In fact as I was writing this blog, I’ve just been distracted by an incoming text that caused me to lose my train of thought!
I love the idea of ‘attention pollution’ which I can really relate to, especially the idea that attention pollution spreads, so another person’s lack of attention can so easily interrupt your attention.
I also agree with the writer’s dream about a future where we come to respect attention once again and limit the use of distraction-creators in situations where distraction is unwelcome.
Attention pollution is something still working on. Solutions I’ve found that work for me are:
Installing internet blocking software (I use SelfControl on Mac) to block distracting sites
Switching off all notifications on my laptop and my iPhone
Using Steven Covey’s Time Management Matrix which helps me recognise when I’m distracted into non-urgent and non-important distractions
This article first appeared on The Huffington Post.